Tesla depth perception stereogram animation
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:10 pm
i used the ffmpeg command to extract sequential .png image files from the original depth perception (depth map) video, used the AppleScript to generate black & white wall-eyed stereogram .png image files automatically, and used the ffmpeg command to create an Apple ProRes 422 HQ video from sequential stereogram .png image files.
YouTube streaming:
YouTube streaming:
- Tesla depth perception NN "160x120" in stereogram animation (56s)
- Tesla depth perception NN "city" in stereogram animation (28s)
- Tesla depth perception NN "pedestrian" in stereogram animation (15s)
- Tesla depth perception NN "fog" in stereogram animation (1m 32s)
- Tesla depth perception NN "160x120" in stereogram animation dm55-160x120-bw.mov (827.3MB, 118.37 Mbit/s, 36fps)
- Tesla depth perception NN "city" in stereogram animation dm-city-bw.mov (413MB, 118.36 Mbit/s, 36fps)
- Tesla depth perception NN "pedestrian" in stereogram animation dm15-ped-bw.mov (222.4MB, 118.40 Mbit/s, 36fps)
- Tesla depth perception NN "fog" in stereogram animation dm-fog-bw.mov (1.36GB, 118.30 Mbit/s, 36fps)