
Is there a forum I can share my tips and usage examples to other katsura shareware users?

Yes. Visit our site. Thanks!

This Help isn't helpful.

Visit our site or email me.

Do I have to be online to use it?

No. Once the app is downloaded, you do not need the Internet connection.

Do you accept PayPal payment?

Yes. You can use PayPal payment through our BMT Micro Store.

My serial number no longer works.

Please make sure to download the latest version of shareware. Some serial numbers no longer work with the older versions. If it still doesn't work with the lateset version, please contact me for the upgrade information.

Why is the "Save As AIFF..." menu item in Ocean Waves grayed out?

The current version of Ocean Waves can only save while it's not playing the sound of ocean waves. Please click the "Stop Ocean Waves" button, then choose the "Save As AIFF..." menu item from the File menu.

Chromatic Tuner or Strobe Tuner does not recognize any audio input.

Chromatic Tuner and Strobe Tuner should work with any audio input device that supports CoreAudio. Please email me the brand/model of your audio input device. I will try to fix the problem.

Lost my serial number.

Contact me.

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