KS Strobe Tuner AU 2.2
Download (452KB)
- Date: May 8, 2020
- OS: macOS 10.9.5 or later
- License: Free to try;
Shareware $20
- Upgrade: Free Update from 1.x

The strobe tuning meter looks like this when the input sound is sharp.

The strobe tuning meter looks like this when the input sound is in tune.

The strobe tuning meter looks like this when the input sound is flat.
KS Strobe Tuner AU is a 12-note chromatic scale strobe tuner Audio Units plug-in.
Strobe tuners are extremely accurate compared to regular tuners with a needle or LEDs. The slightest difference between the actual pitch and the ideal pitch accumulates over time and appears as a movement on the strobe tuning meter.
- Tuning: 12-note chromatic scale
- Temperaments: Equal, Kellner, Kirnberger III, Meantone, Pythagorean, Vallotti, Werckmeister III, Young II, etc.
- Meters: strobe, cent, and hertz.
- Range: A0 (27.5Hz) - C8 (4186.0Hz)
- Accuracy: ±1 cent with the cent readout. ±0.1 cent @ 440Hz with the strobe tuning meter.
- Calibration: 349.0 - 499.9Hz (0.1Hz steps)
- Transpose: ±11 semitones
Requirements: Host application that supports "Cocoa" UI Audio Units plug-ins
such as GarageBand and
Logic Pro.
Instructions: Please refer to the manual in the disk image.

KS Strobe Tuner AU screenshot

KS Strobe Tuner AU Preferences panel screenshot