Sirds lets you create Single Image Random Dot Stereogram (SIRDS) and Single Image Stereogram (SIS) images.
- Generate a "wall-eyed" (divergent) or "cross-eyed" (convergent) stereogram
- Customizable dimensions (resolution, observer distance, maximum depth, and eye separation)
- Hidden-surface removal
- Center to both sides method to minimize the distortion
- Oversampling to give smooth depth levels
- Stereogram viewing guide marks
- Random Dot pattern generator
- Supported depth map and pattern image file types: PNG, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PICT, etc.
- AppleScript scripting
- Grand Central Dispatch support (generates a stereogram faster)
an autostereogram which does not require any equipment to view a three-dimensional scene.
* Stereogram algorithm licensed from W.A. Steer. Visit for technical details.
Free Sample depth map and pattern images: Download (4.8MB)
Visit Forum for more samples.
- Choose the "New" menu item from the "File" menu or press command - N to create a new Sirds document.
- Drop a depth map image onto a Sirds document window.
- Change the random dot color and shape, or import a pattern (or tile) image.
- Check the "Show Guide" option or press command - G to show the stereo view guide if you have trouble figuring out how deep you need to look.

Stereogram viewing guide marks look like this
when you are looking at the correct depth.